What is The Hook?

 What is the hook

What is The Hook?

Content Writing experts define the hook as the attractive introduction with which written texts begin, whether articles, stories, novels, or advertisements, but indead, the hook is a phrase consisting of three steps:

  • A strong, impressive sentence
  • Video motion
  • Sound effect

Standardizing the steps will lead to you reaching more followers and increasing their confidence in your content.

What is the hook’s purpose?

The hook aims to attract the reader’s attention and persuade him to continue reading.

What are the ways to create the hook?

  • Asking a thought-provoking question: This stimulates the reader’s curiosity and pushes him to search for the answer in completing the text.
  • Telling an interesting short story: The story can be real or fictional. The important thing is that it arouses the reader’s interest and increases his passion to continue reading.
  • Use surprising statistics: Eye-catching numbers and facts can stop the reader and make them want to know more.
  • A powerful or influential quote: A quote from a famous person or a distinctive literary text that can arouse the reader’s interest and push him to explore the context in which the quote appears.
  • Lively and interesting description: The use of figurative language and sensory descriptions can take the reader into the heart of the event and make him feel as if he is participating in it.


Make sure that the hook is related to the main topic of the text. Do not start a serious topic with a funny or trivial introduction.



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